Sunday, September 30, 2007


Here are some pictures from our trips to the Jade & Flower Market as well as Snake Alley Night Market. The only way to describe these places is to call them GIANT Flea Markets, but with nicer stuff. It's just row after row of tables of Jade and then the same with the flowers and plants. The orchids were so pretty and SO cheap...too bad we couldn't bring some home with us. One of the main reasons I wanted to go to Snake Alley was to get a scroll done for Brady and we accomplished that task and it's so pretty!! Several of the other blogettes had this same "scroll guy" do scrolls for their daughters as well, so he's kinda famous in the bloggette world!! : ) As for pictures of snakes, I don't have any because most of the stalls that anything to do with snakes had signs posted saying you couldn't take pictures.

The picture above is of the Jade part of the market.

The picture above is of the flower part of the market.

The picture above is the scroll guy writing the message.

The final product, which says; love, happiness, forever, Chen-Yu.


Joyce said...

So glad you found our scroll guy. Wasn't it sooo cool at snake alley.
You are now on your way to Brady. It is 9pm here... Only another hour and he will be in your arms...
So excited for you... It is a meeting you will never forget.
Can't wait to see and here more.
Congratulations on Gotcha Day~

Lori said...

So happy to see you found the scroll cool to see him again but with your family this time! I think we got lucky with our snake pictures...they were doing a "demo" and we asked to take photos and he nodded to us. :):) Though...I think I could have passed on the whole snake experience. :):)